How can free improvisation help us to better ourselves?
For 6 years, Adrien has been developing an original way to teach improvisation.
This tool, feared by many, serves as an excellent life lesson. Free improvisation, practiced individually to start with, then quickly progressing to groups of different sizes, confronts us face-on with what we are or want to be, but within the security of a merely musical setting. Guided by the quest for a particular inner beauty, one develops a deep and attentive ear for one's own sound, and that of others.
Collective compositions are created using the same method, and we discover the relationship and differences between composition and creation.
It also radically transforms the way we interpret existing music, whatever the genre.
A daily session also works on rhythmic feeling and groove.
Above and beyond music, this practice can aid:
- self-confidence
- discovery / confirmation of one's inner voice
- listening to the others, developing empathy
- teamwork, collaboration
All this within the fun framework of performing music.
Workshop at AKDT, Libramont, Belgium
From July 23 - 29, 2018
Information and registration: